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How to record your daily sales

See how to enter and update your actual revenue during the week.

Maud avatar
Written by Maud
Updated over 9 months ago

🎯 For administrators. Before you do this, see Set up revenue to help you get started with configuring revenue on your Planday account.

Access to the revenue feature is from the Plus plan and up.

To be able to assess your labor costs in relation to your revenue, you can enter a daily revenue (or actual revenue).

You can enter and update your daily sales (or actual revenue) from two places in your Planday account.

Option 1 — Enter and update daily sales during the week directly from the schedule

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⬆️ You can enter or update your daily revenue values in the schedule by clicking on the revenue value located under each day on the schedule.
The Daily revenue edit window will appear (as shown in the image above).

Optionally, you can include a Cash difference or a Note as a comment.
You can also specify a fixed monetary additional payroll cost per day, which will affect the payroll percentage in the revenue report in the schedule and in the Revenue overview, for both weekly and monthly periods.

As the week goes by, you'll update your schedule by entering the actual sales into the daily revenue tab. Doing so will either increase or decrease your actual labour percentage as the week unfolds, allowing you to make more informed decisions regarding staffing hours or increasing sales in order to hit your targeted labour budget.

Note: You can also automatically import revenue figures into Planday via a Point of Sale (POS) integration. In that case, revenue imported via a POS system will overwrite the daily revenue you entered manually.

However, you’ll be able to see the daily revenue forecast in the main revenue list, under Reports > Revenue and in the schedule.

Option 2 - Enter your daily revenue from the revenue overview

To do so, go to Reports > Revenue. From there, you can insert your daily revenue (or actual sales) as shown below.

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Editing in the main list is only available for departments that have a single revenue unit.
If you go to Manage revenue > Daily revenue > select the desired day from the date selector, you’ll be able to add your daily revenue from this page, with values for each unit.

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