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Your business structure
Planday URL
Planday URL
Planday URL
Your Planday URL (also known as your company or portal URL) is the unique web address for your Planday workspace. The URL is typically in the format of and is set when your account is created.
As an admin, share this URL with your team so they can log in via a web browser or the Planday mobile app. When you invite employees, Planday includes this URL in their invitation to confirm their account.
If you need to update your Planday URL, please reach out to Planday Support, as it cannot be changed manually. You need to have full Access level in Planday to request this change.
Access level
Access level
Assign employees to an Access level to give them additional permissions in Schedule, People or Planday account management. This is helpful if you have employees with different responsibilities managing Planday with you.
A Department represents a location or area of your business. Each Department is assigned its own schedule.
Examples: Restaurant Eastend or Back of House
Employee form
Employee form
Use the employee form to customise which fields are included in your employees’ profiles, and who can view and edit them.
Employee group
Employee group
Use Employee groups to define job roles in your business. You can add employees to one or several Employee groups based on their skill set.
Examples: Cook or Waiter
Employee type
Employee type
Use Employee types to group employees based on their employment terms. This allows you to easier apply Working time rules, Supplements and more.
Examples: Full-time, Intern
Auto-schedule is a tool that automatically provides you with scheduling suggestions based on a set of pre-defined rules such as Working time rules, Contracted hours or Leave. Only available on the Pro and Enterprise package.
Use Availability to let employees set when they can or can’t work. You can then consider these preferences when creating your schedule.
Contracted availability
Contracted availability
Use Contracted availability to see if you’re trying to schedule employees outside of defined weekdays or times. Typically, Contracted availability is based on an employment contract or another agreement.
Contracted hours
Contracted hours
In the Contracted hours overview, you can see how the conditions of your Contract rules are met. Based on this, you can make scheduling and overtime compensation decisions.
Contract rules
Contract rules
Use Contract rules to compare your employees’ scheduled hours to those they’re contracted for. This allows you to see who you have assigned too many, too few, or the right amount of hours.
Open shift
Open shift
An Open shift is a shift that’s not assigned to anyone yet. Employees with the right Employee group can request to take over Open shifts.
A Position is a schedule element that helps you specify what an employee is responsible for during their shift. Each Position is assigned to an Employee group, making sure that only employees of that group can cover shifts created for that position.
Examples: Tables 1 - 10 or Cocktail station
Schedule template
Schedule template
A Schedule template is a set of shifts that you can repeatedly apply to your schedule if needed. Templates help save time and ensure consistency.
A Section (also known as Sub-department or Headline) is a schedule element you can use to bundle several of your Positions – to indicate a larger activity area at the workplace.
Examples: First floor or Terrace.
Shift type
Shift type
Use a Shift type to give a non-regular shift a label like Sick leave or Trial work. You can also use them to adjust the pay rate, collect overtime, generate reports and more.
Working time rules
Working time rules
Use Working time rules as guidelines to remind you to schedule your employees according to local legislations or other rules.
Time management
Break rule (Automatic breaks)
Break rule (Automatic breaks)
Set up a Break rule to automatically apply breaks either at a specific time of day or after a set amount of time has been worked.
Punch Clock
Punch Clock
Use the Punch Clock functionality to record the presence and punctuality of employees via App or Web.
Punch Clock breaks
Punch Clock breaks
Enable Punch Clock breaks to allow employees to use Punch Clock to record their breaks.
Punch Clock entry
Punch Clock entry
Punch Clock entries are generated when employees use the Punch Clock to punch in and out of shifts. You can edit and approve the entries to prepare for payroll.
Punch Clock profiles
Punch Clock profiles
Use Punch Clock profiles to specify which employees can use which devices to punch in and out.
Manual break
Manual break
Use a Manual break to add a break specific to a shift, directly on the Schedule.
Holiday & Overtime
Account template
Account template
In order to manage Leave or TOIL, you need to set up Account templates. Use them to define your preferred settings such as duration, carry-over or renewal. You can then assign templates to your employees to set up Leave / TOIL accounts.
Leave account
Leave account
A Leave account is an account where an employee's Leave balance is recorded. Leave accounts can be created for employees applying Account templates.
Leave request
Leave request
A Leave request notifies you about the employee’s wish to take time off. You can edit, approve and reject requests.
TOIL account
TOIL account
A TOIL account is an account where an employee’s TOIL balance is recorded. TOIL accounts can be created for employees applying Account templates.
Payroll & Revenue
Payroll export
Payroll export
A Payroll export is a file that contains the information you need to run payroll. It’s based on the data from your account, such as approved shifts, payroll supplements, breaks and more.
Payroll supplement
Payroll supplement
Payroll supplements are an automatic way to add extra payments to shifts based on a set of rules. For example, use a supplement for Overtime, weekend or night shifts.
Revenue unit
Revenue unit
A Revenue unit is a cost centre that holds revenue. You can create multiple Revenue units for each Department to keep separate data and reporting info. At least one Revenue unit is needed to use the Revenue feature.
Salary is a fixed payment an employee earns for working during a specific period of time.
Salary code
Salary code
A Salary code (also known as Payroll ID) is a code you can assign to payroll-related items. This is especially useful, if you are using an accounting software or integration to process your payroll.
A Wage is a form of payment an employee earns per hour or per shift.
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