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Lightspeed Retail (X Series) integration – Setup guide with Planday
Lightspeed Retail (X Series) integration – Setup guide with Planday

Automate the import of your revenue data from Lightspeed Retail POS (X-Series) into Planday

Anton E avatar
Written by Anton E
Updated over 3 months ago

🟡 This integration is available for Planday admins based in Australia, Canada, the UK and USA.

🔓 Access level in Planday: Administrator with access to all departments in Planday.

🌐 Subscription plan: Plus, Pro, Enterprise.

⏱️ Reading time: 3 min.

With Planday, you can connect your Lightspeed Retail (X-Series - formerly Vend) POS system and automatically import sales data. This lets you compare your revenue vs payroll costs and helps you plan your schedules to align with the budget. You can connect different X-Series Outlets or individual Registers in those Outlets into Planday Revenue units. Follow this setup guide to configure the integration.

Requirements for the integration

To enable this integration, two prerequisites must be completed in Planday:

1. Set up Revenue units in Planday

You need to set up at least one revenue unit set up for each Department that you want to import revenue data for. Learn more in Set up revenue with cost centres and budgets.

To create a revenue unit in Planday:

  • Go to Reports > Revenue > Manage revenue > Create unit.

  • When setting up a Revenue unit, make sure to select Enter daily revenue for every unit you wish to map.

2. Create Shifts on business days for revenue import

Revenue can only be imported for business days in your schedule. To designate a day as a business day, ensure that at least one shift is scheduled for that day.​

Activate the integration in Planday

Planday EN Screenshots for HC.001.png

In Planday, go to Settings > Integrations > Overview > find the Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) tile > click Set up. The integration manager opens.

Step 1 – Connect Lightspeed account

Connect one or more Lightspeed POS (X-Series) Accounts in the first card in the integration editor by pressing the Connect account button.

Planday EN Screenshots for HC.001.png

This will open a log-in screen in a new pop-up window. You must enter your Store URL here, followed by your Vend email and password.

Note: Make sure your browser is not blocking pop-up windows, in which case the log-in window will not open.

​After signing in, check the Accounts section of the integration, which shows your newly connected account. The green status icon 🟢 will inform you that the connection is set up correctly.

​In case of issues with the connection, a dedicated status message and light will be displayed in front of the account. You can click on the status to read more or take further action if required.

Screenshot 2022-12-14 at 16.00.55.png

Step 2 – Configure data import settings

When at least one account is connected successfully, you can complete the integration setup by specifying other settings and mappings.

Start import at - Choose an hour of the day. The integration imports revenue data daily at the hour specified in this field. The imports will take place within the set hour, typically close to the start of the hour.

Get data from the past - Choose the number of days. This field allows you to specify how many days of previous data should be imported. The minimum number of days is 1, meaning the integration only imports data from the previous day.

Note: When selecting more than one day, previously imported revenue on mapped Revenue units is overwritten during every import. The imported values may change over the first several days as payments get processed on Lightspeed’s side.

Include tax values - Choose Yes or No. By default, the checkbox to include tax values is selected, but you can deselect it - leading to the import of Net sales data.

Screenshot 2022-12-16 at 10.27.49.png

Step 3 – Map registers or outlets to Planday revenue units

Note: At least one Revenue unit in Planday is required for this step.

​Click one of the account names under Registers to open the link window. The linking page shows existing Planday Revenue units and allows you to link any Lightspeed POS (X-Series) Register. It is possible to map multiple Registers in the same Outlet to one revenue unit and vice versa.

Click Save to confirm the mappings. Alternatively, close the window or click the Back button to discard the links.

See imported revenue in Planday schedule

When the integration is set up, revenue data integration occurs once a day. You can see imported revenue data in the Schedule of the Department for which you have set up a connected revenue unit.

Go to the three dots on the top right of the Schedule > View settings > activate the Revenue toggle. Revenue data will show below the day columns in the Schedule.

Tip: To see an overview of your revenue history, go to Reports > Revenue and choose the date range.

The imported revenue is the sum of revenue values of all active Registers mapped to the Revenue unit from successfully connected Lightspeed accounts.

​If any Lightspeed account connection does not work, revenue from the Account’s registers will not count in the revenue imported into the mapped Revenue units.

Note: Incomplete revenue values will overwrite correct values imported in the past if a Lightspeed account connection stops working and if you are importing values for several days in the past.

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