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Set up revenue with cost centres and budgets
Set up revenue with cost centres and budgets

Configure your revenue tool by creating cost centres and setting up your budgets.

Maud avatar
Written by Maud
Updated over 9 months ago

🎯 For administrators. See Point of Sale integrations supported in Planday.

Access to the revenue feature is from the Plus plan and up.

To configure revenue and budget in Planday, follow the steps below:

Create Revenue units

A Revenue unit is a cost centre that holds revenue. You can create multiple units for each department in Planday to keep separate data and reporting info. You need to have at least one revenue unit for this feature to work.

To create revenue units, go to Reports > Revenue > Manage Revenue.

⬇️ Then, click on Create unit.


In the edit window, you can configure the following settings:

  • Name - Provide an appropriate name for the unit

  • Department - Choose the department in which you want to create the unit.

  • Allow employee purchases - This field is typically unchecked.

  • Enter daily revenue - Ensure this box is checked to allow the entry of your daily revenue (which represents your sales forecast).

  • Include in total revenue - This box is selected by default. If unchecked, the revenue generated by this unit will not be included in the total revenue.

  • Unit sort order - The area with the lowest number is displayed first. You are free to use this field or not.

  • Description - Optionally, you can enter a description.

After configuring these settings, confirm your choices by clicking Save.

Enter your daily revenue forecast

You can enter your daily revenue forecast so can retain it without overwriting the figure with your actual revenue and you can keep both data points for your records.

Go to Reports > Revenue > Choose View data by Days > Enter your revenue forecast.

revenue_daily forecast.001.jpeg

Note: This forecast will show in the schedule so you can have a record of this while you schedule.

Set weekly or monthly budgets

With the basics of revenue in place, you can go to the tab called Budgets (1.) under Reports > Revenue > Manage revenue. Here, you can configure weekly or monthly budgets for both revenue and payroll percentage.

If you’ve enabled department-specific budgets within the advanced settings, you’ll have the option to enter the budget and payroll percentage forecasts for each of your department, depending on your operational goals. Entering these forecasts allows you to compare your actual values with those in the overview.

⬆️ Ensure that you select the correct department, the right budget interval (weeks or months) and the right date range, (2.) then click on the Edit values button (3.) on the right.


The following example is for the budget per week option.

  • 1️⃣ Revenue forecast: Enter here your expected revenue (in your Planday account's local currency) per calendar week

  • 2️⃣ Payroll % target (week): You can specify here how high your pay percentage (in %) should be per week.

  • 3️⃣ You can also enter a payroll % target distributed per day of the week. In the schedule, the payroll percentage target that you entered for each day will be displayed under the respective days.

Note: By clicking the Copy icon, 4️⃣ you can replicate these values to all fields (Revenue forecast and the weekly and daily payroll %) in the rows below. You can change the data in each field later, if needed.

  • Optionally, you can also enter any Payroll costs not on the Schedule

  • Additionally, you can add a Note

Confirm your settings by clicking Save.

Note: While you can set a monthly budget, it won't be displayed on the schedule.

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