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How to create and send a contract to an employee
How to create and send a contract to an employee

Follow this guide to generate and send an employment contract to your staff.

Saad Saeed avatar
Written by Saad Saeed
Updated over 11 months ago

🎯 For Admins and HR Managers.

Before assigning a contract to an employee, consider setting up contract templates. This allows you to set up a template of how your contracts can be applied to multiple users using information from their Planday profile with your company’s standard contract rules. Set Contract templates by going to Settings > People > Contract setup.

Once at least one contract is ready, you can create and send a personal contract to an employee. This can be done in two ways:

From the Contracts overview screen

You can create a contract from the contract overview screen by going to People > Contracts > Create contract.

Planday EN Screenshots for HC.001.png

By editing an employee

You can also create a contract for an employee from the employee edit screen by going to People > Employees > press the employee name > Edit > scroll to the Documents tab and press Create under the contract section.

Planday EN Screenshots for HC.002.png

Regardless of the path you took to get to the create button, you will reach the Create contract screen.

  • Select the employee’s primary Employee group to merge the salary information with the contract.

  • Select a contract template that you may have created.

  • Select the Contract start date and a contact person, such as yourself or an HR manager as a supervisor.

  • Click Next to compose the contract.

On the next screen, you will see, depending on your selection of contract:

  • A blank text editor to compose your contract.

  • A filled-in contract template that you selected from the previous step that you can further edit if you need.

  • An attached uploaded document with merge fields that you may have selected while creating your contract.

If you are satisfied with the content of the contract, press Save. You also have the option to download this contract as a PDF file for safekeeping.

The next step highlights the employee that needs to sign the document, shows the creation date of this document, along with expiry date (if applicable), status and two signing options:

Manually: Select this option if the document needs to be signed on paper (printed out) or has already been signed, and a copy should be uploaded for safe keeping with the option to leave comments.

Electronically: Select this option if you want the employee to sign the document electronically through Planday.

If you choose Electronically, you must complete one more step before sending the document to your employee to collect their signature. You must first sign the document as the employer.

Allow access to Planday before signing contract

Secondly, a decision should be made regarding access to use Planday (and the app) for that employee before they sign the contract:

  • Yes means your employee can access Planday whether they sign the document or not. You can set reminders to notify employees to sign the contract later.

  • No means that when an employee opens Planday through the app, they will be notified that they have a document to sign. They will be guided to read and sign the contract before being allowed further. Select No if you want your employees to be made aware automatically when they open their Planday app that they have documents to sign.

When done, press Sign and send to employee to sign the contract yourself and send it to the employee.

The contract will now be sent to the employee, and you can see it on your Contract overview under People > Contracts under Awaiting action section.

You will be notified as soon as the employee has signed the document, which will then move under the Signed contracts section.

If you have an already signed a contract that was created outside of Planday, you can also import this on the employee's profile under Employees > edit employee > Documents. See more about uploading files and documents here.

Contract notifications and reminders

To avoid chasing your employees for contract signatures, you can enable notifications and reminders that can be sent automatically.

  • Employee contracts allow you to send an SMS or Planday message to specified employees when they receive a new contract that needs to be signed.

  • Contract reminders will send a notification if they have failed to sign a contract after a set time.

To set up either of these features, go to Settings > Your organisation > Notifications.

Planday EN Screenshots for HC.001.png

You can also add a reminder for contract expiration in case the created contract has had an expiration date.

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