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Fortnox integration – Setup guide with Planday
Fortnox integration – Setup guide with Planday

Follow this step-by-step guide on setting up Planday with Fortnox for a quicker and easier pay run.

Saad Saeed avatar
Written by Saad Saeed
Updated over 5 months ago

🔓 Access level in Planday: Administrator with access to all departments in Planday.

🌐 Subscription plan: Plus, Pro, Enterprise

⏱️ Reading time: 5 min.

Connect Planday with Fortnox to keep your information up to date in both systems and make managing data more manageable and time-efficient. You can manage and sync data with just a few clicks when the integration runs.

This guide will walk you through the steps needed to configure the connection between Planday and Fortnox, including connecting to a Fortnox account and mapping employee data across the systems.

Connect your Fortnox account

  • Go to Settings > Integrations > Overview.

  • Find the Fortnox integration tile and click Set up.

This will open a new view where you need to configure the integration. Activate the integration by pressing the toggle.

In the Accounts section, press Add, which will redirect you to Fortnox's login page, where you need to log in to your Fortnox account.

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After logging in, you can review the requested permissions and authorise the connection to Planday.

Note: You must have sysadmin rights in Fortnox to authorise the application.
If you do not already have one, you must obtain a Fortnox integration license. (More information on the Fortnox pricing page).

When the authorisation is successful, you'll be redirected back to Planday on the integration settings page. Open the Fortnox integration again by pressing Manage. You should now see the account name you just connected listed in the Accounts section.

With at least one Fortnox account connected, you can go on to match the employee data between Planday and Fortnox.

Create an employee data mapping

For the integration to work as intended, you need to set up an employee mapping to ensure that the employee information in Planday matches their corresponding employee data entries in Fortnox. This is required to enable integration and guarantee that the data will be synced correctly between the two systems.

From the Fortnox integration settings page, in the Employee data section, press Create mapping.

Next, select one of your connected Fortnox accounts. If you have any employee records in Fortnox that do not yet exist in Planday, those can be created automatically. That is why the next step is to select a Department in Planday for the new employee data.

You can change an Employee's department later by going to People > Employees and clicking their name to edit their information.

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Verify employee data mapping

Once the data is loaded, it will be displayed for you to verify and confirm or fix any inconsistencies before the mapping is created.

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This list should contain the employee entries from Planday (with their salary identifier), their counterpart entry from Fortnox (with their employee ID), and the sync status between the two systems.

Matching existing employees

  • Suggested matches:

    • The automatically matched suggestions are marked by a blue link icon.

    • Based on the employee's username (email address) in Planday and their email address in Fortnox.

    • It can also be based on their ID when the Planday salary identifier matches their employee ID in Fortnox.

  • Manual matches:

    • Also marked by a blue link icon.

    • For employees with data in both systems but for which the email or the salary identifier does not match, you can create a link from the Add employees button. Once added to the mapping their profiles match accordingly in the list, the blue link icon should show, confirming their status.

      After you click Add employees, you can switch between two lists of employee data entries, from Planday and Fortnox.

      After selecting which employees to add to the mapping from the lists, click Save. If no employees on the list need to be added or you don't have changes to make, click Cancel to return to the previous view.

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⬆️ A red warning icon next to an employee entry means that information is missing from some fields. Please keep in mind to check that the Planday required fields for employee data are not empty when creating a mapping between Fortnox and Planday. You can check and configure the required property for the data field in Settings > People > Employee form setup.

Importing employees

  • Marked by a green icon.

  • If data for an employee only exists only in Planday or only in Fortnox, you'll also need to add them manually. Click the + Add employees button, select the employees available from either list and then press Save. This will create a new employee entry in Planday or Fortnox.

  • Please note that different data fields may be required in each system, and those cannot be empty. If a required field is empty, a red warning icon will appear next to that employee’s name. This means that you will not only be able to create a new employee entry before all the required fields have relevant data. However, you would be able to map that employee to an already existing entry. You can read more about it in the Fortnox FAQ article.

At any point during the process, you can check out the Summary box on the right-hand side. This shows the number of employees grouped by status and reflects what will happen when the integration is saved.
​If you hover over the info icon in the Summary box, you'll get a list of what information with be synced from Planday to Fortnox when updated in Planday.

Once you match employee records from the two systems, you're ready to add the mapping to your integration. Press Add to integration button in the top right corner.

Editing or deleting employee mappings

You can always change the mapping you created between the two systems by going to Settings > Integrations > Overview, finding the Fortnox Integration, and then clicking Manage.

Under Employee data, you'll find the existing mappings. Click anywhere on the row or hover over the row and select the Edit ( ✏️ ) icon.

Here, you can select a new default Department (within Planday) or continue to edit the existing mapping by clicking Sync.

  • Similar to creating an employee mapping, you can fine-tune the individual employee mappings.

  • You might notice a grey icon in the Status column when editing an employee data mapping. This indicates that the mapping for that employee has already been created.

  • Additionally, some employees may have a yellow icon as their Status, representing that their profile has been deactivated in Planday.

  • If you want to exclude employees from your existing mapping, you can remove them one by one from the X icon on their row.

Once you're done with the necessary changes, click Save.

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If you want to delete an employee mapping entirely (or remove the mapping for all the mapped employees at once), click the Delete ( 🗑 ) icon by hovering over the name of the mapping.

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Additional Employee data settings

You'll notice two options turned on by default in the Employee data section. Here is what they do:

  • Keep Fortnox up to date with employee data from Planday - Synchronise the changes to employee data fields from Planday to Fortnox. (Changes are synced instantly to Fortnox.)

  • Keep Planday up to date with the latest pay rates and monthly salaries from Fortnox - Synchronize the hourly rates and fixed monthly salary rates from Fortnox to Planday (daily sync at 03:00 am).

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Here, you can also see a quick overview of your existing mapping. This includes the Planday Department where the newly added employees will be created (if any) and a reference for how many employees have their data included in the mapping.


When you've mapped employees and adjusted sync settings, you can move to the next step and set up payroll:

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