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Fortnox integration – Sync payroll from Planday
Fortnox integration – Sync payroll from Planday

Steps to sync your payroll information between Planday and Fortnox.

Saad Saeed avatar
Written by Saad Saeed
Updated over 5 months ago

🔓 Access level in Planday: Administrator with access to all departments in Planday.

🌐 Subscription plan: Plus, Pro, Enterprise

⏱️ Reading time: 5 min.

Required steps: Set up Planday with Fortnox

With the successful integration of Fortnox, it is essential to maintain accurate and up-to-date employee and payroll information in both Planday and Fortnox. This article provides a comprehensive guide on effectively managing payroll, previewing payroll data, and synchronising it seamlessly with Fortnox.

Managing payroll sync

Settings checklist before you do a pay run

To preview and send payroll data to Fortnox, you must ensure that the Fortnox Cause codes and Planday Salary codes are linked. We recommend that you follow this settings checklist to make sure everything is in place.

When migrating from an existing integration based on export files
You can skip this step if you are migrating from an integration based on PAXml file export/import to a setup not based on export files.

  • Ensure that all the pay items are supported in the new integration. For instance, the OK0 (NV9 in PAXml file), OK1 (ÖK1 in PAXml file), and OK2 (ÖK2 in PAXml file) codes are different in the current configuration.

  • If your employees are hourly paid, go to Settings > Payroll > General and check that the Salary code for Hours worked (as per shifts) field is set to ARB.

  • If your employees are paid according to the number of hours from Approved Punch Clock entries: make sure that you've approved all the necessary Punch Clock entries from Schedule > Punch Clock and that all shifts that you want to include in the payroll are approved (marked as green on your schedule).
    Note that by default, only approved hours are included in payroll reports.

  • If your employees get a monthly salary, you must ensure that the worked hours from the schedule are excluded from their payroll calculations. To check whether the hours are already excluded, go to Settings > Payroll > Prints and under Ignore salary codes check whether the Salary code for the monthly salaries is already on the list. You can add it from the Create button if it doesn't already exist.

  • Then, you will need to make sure that the newly created Salary code is attached to the profiles of your salary (monthly) paid employees. From People > Employees > Edit employee (✏️ icon on the right side of the screen) > Employment > Employee groups > Edit.

    Here, you'll need to add the new Salary code to each employee group that your employee belongs to and select a date from when the code is valid on their profile (you should choose a date that is before the first pay run for the integration) and leave/set the Wage (hourly rate) as 0.

Planday EN Screenshots for HC.001.png

Payroll supplements for unsociable hours

  • If your organisation has a schedule that includes unsociable hours with payroll implications, go to Settings > Payroll > Payroll supplements and make sure that each supplement has the right Salary code set (e.g. OB1, OB2, OB3, etc).

Planday EN Screenshots for HC.001.png
  • Under Settings > Payroll > Meal deductions and contributions, check or add the Salary code 322 for deductions and 32 for contributions.
    Additionally, make sure that the meal deductions have a positive value output

Planday EN Screenshots for HC.001.png
  • Verify that your Shift types have the correct Cause codes attached from Settings > Schedule > Shift types (e.g. SJK, VAB).

Planday EN Screenshots for HC.001.png

Sync data into Fortnox cost centres

If you wish to sync your labour costs to Fortnox with cost centre allocation, you must map your departments to relevant cost centres and then enable the functionality.

Start by enabling the cost centre functionality in the Fortnox integration. To enable the feature, navigate to Settings in Planday > click Integrations > open the Fortnox integration and select the Include department number (Fortnox cost center) checkbox.

Planday EN Screenshots for HC.001.png

Then copy-paste codes of your cost centres to corresponding departments in Planday (use the Department number field).

Planday EN Screenshots for HC.001.png

Preview Payroll data before syncing

You can generate a payroll preview and synchronise your records (from Planday to Fortnox) for worked hours, overtime, absence, and supplements from Payroll > Fortnox.
Here, you can prepare and filter the data you want to preview or sync between the two systems through options available at the top of the screen:

  • Fortnox account: select one of your connected Fortnox accounts to sync payroll data to.

  • Date range: select the period for the pay run by selecting a date range.

  • Department: select which Planday Department to gather payroll data for.

  • Shifts: select which shifts from the Schedule you'd like to preview or sync data for:

    • only Approved Shifts (selected default and recommended when syncíng payroll data),

    • only those not approved

    • or all Shifts from the selected date range.

  • Employee type & Employee group: this allows you to choose and filter which employee data to include using filters for Employee type and Employee group.
    If necessary, you can select or deselect individual employees from both dropdown menus to filter for a single employee.

Once you're satisfied with your selection, you can preview your data as a report from the top right corner (Preview report). This will generate a report containing the data according to your filters and conditions for you to verify and sync.
You cannot sync the selected data without first previewing it.

When the report is ready, you can see an overview of your data, containing:

  • the names of your employees (as registered in Planday),

  • their salary IDs (equivalent of their employee ID in Fortnox),

  • the number of worked hours (within the date range selected and according to the Shifts included).
    For monthly paid employees this will show the number of hours recorded through special shift types ( e.g. overtime).

  • total: showing as an estimated pay for hourly-paid employees or the estimated differences from the regular salary for monthly-paid employees (e.g. overtime, deductions, etc).

For each Employee on the list, you can click on their entry in the overview list to see a brief breakdown of their recorded hours per shift type, and of their total per supplement and deduction type.

You also have the option to check the data more thoroughly from Show details, which will give you a full picture of the payroll data:

  • grouped by Date: showing shifts - including breaks, supplements, and deductions related to that shift; and their start and end times, where applicable.

  • Position: highlighting the Schedule Position of the shift, if applicable or name/details for breaks, supplements, and deductions.

  • Quantity: showing the number of hours (except for daily supplements or deductions)

  • Wage / Pay rate: the rate per hour for shifts and hourly supplements or the rate per day for daily supplements or deductions

  • Total: the resulting monetary impact of the shift, break, supplement or deduction according to its set rate.

In case you do not see certain shifts, shift types or supplements added to the preview, please review previous steps regarding updating salary codes or see How to set up Salary codes in Planday.

Sync payroll data to Fortnox

Once you've previewed and verified that the data is correct, press Sync report from the top right corner.

This will start cleaning up the payroll data from Fortnox (if there is any existing data for the selected date range) and transferring the selected data to Fortnox.

Depending on the amount of data in your report, this process can take a few moments.

Once the process is complete, you will get a confirmation message under Sync status.
If you encounter any errors during the sync process, you will see a message about what went wrong. Double-check your data or follow the instructions on troubleshooting in this Fortnox - FAQ and troubleshooting article.

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