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Payroll supplements — Use cases

See use cases for applying Payroll supplements to your employees and set up supplements according to your country’s labour regulations.

Saad Saeed avatar
Written by Saad Saeed
Updated over a week ago

🔓 Access level in Planday: Administrator.

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⏱️ Reading time: 5 min.

ℹ️ Important read:

Payroll supplements automatically add extra payments to shifts or parts of shifts. This is useful for setting overtime, weekend, or night rates. You can create payroll supplements by navigating Settings > Payroll > Payroll supplement.

See Overview of Payroll supplements to learn more about each supplement type.

  • Once added, a Payroll supplement may apply to all hours in your schedule unless a time range is specified. Make sure to take this into account before you do a pay run.

  • Payroll supplements apply backdated from the start of the payroll period. To avoid miscalculations, set them up at the beginning of a new payroll period or very soon afterwards.

Normal supplement

Best for setting rate changes based on specific times of the day.

Weekend supplement

Example: Add an extra £10 per hour worked on Saturdays and Sundays.

  • Supplement type: Normal supplement

  • Give the supplement a name and a description.

  • Calculated as: Fixed monetary wage

  • Based on: Fixed time or Shifts.

    • “Shifts” lets you trigger the supplement after a set number of hours and minutes into a shift, while “Duration” specifies how long the supplement lasts.

  • Start and End: 00:00 - 00:00 (all hours of the day)

  • Salary code: Weekend supplement

  • Amount: Add 10 to give a £10 supplement.

  • Under Apply supplement to > Days of the week: Select Saturday & Sunday

Specify who should receive this supplement, set a validity period and set additional settings. Read Overview of Payroll supplements for further details.

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Night supplement

Example: Apply a 30% pay increase for hours worked between 8 PM and 6 AM on weekdays.

  • Supplement type: Normal supplement

  • Give the supplement a name and a description.

  • Calculated as: Percentage of wage or time

  • Based on: Fixed time

  • Paid: Added as monetary amount to the Wage (or added as time to an Overtime account balance if you use TOIL)

  • Start: 20:00 End 06:00

  • Salary code: Night supplement

  • Amount: Add 30 to give a 30% supplement.

  • Under Apply supplement to > Days of the week: Select Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

  • Under Advanced settings > Select “Allow over midnight

Specify who should receive this supplement, set a validity period and set additional settings. Read Overview of Payroll supplements for further details.

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Bank holiday supplement

Example: Apply a 50% pay increase for all hours worked on public holidays.

  • Supplement type: Normal supplement

  • Give the supplement a name and a description.

  • Calculated as: Percentage of wage or time

  • Based on: Fixed time

  • Paid: Added as monetary amount to the Wage

  • Start and End: 00:00 - 00:00 (all hours of the day)

  • Salary code: Bank holiday supplement

  • Amount: Add 50 to give a 50% supplement.

  • Under Apply supplement to > Days of the week: Select none here as the supplement should be applied only on Bank holiday days. If you select the days of the week, the supplement will apply twice.

  • Days from the Bank Holiday calendar: Select the relevant Bank holiday calendar that includes the days when the supplement should apply.

Specify who should receive this supplement, set a validity period and set additional settings. Read Overview of Payroll supplements for further details.

Show example

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Weekdays supplement (Specific Time Range)

Example: Apply a 25% pay increase for hours worked between 7 PM and 11 PM on weekdays.

  • Supplement type: Normal supplement

  • Give the supplement a name and a description.

  • Calculated as: Percentage of wage or time

  • Based on: Fixed time

  • Paid: Added as monetary amount to the Wage

  • Start and End: 19:00 - 23:00

  • Salary code: Evening supplement

  • Amount: Add 25 to give a 25% supplement.

  • Under Apply supplement to > Days of the week: Select Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Specify who should receive this supplement, set a validity period and set additional settings. Read Overview of Payroll supplements for further details.

Show example

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Week-Based Supplement

Best for applying a supplement when employees work beyond a set number of hours per week such as overtime.

Example: Employees receive 150% pay when working over 40 hours per week.

  • Supplement type: Week-based supplement

  • Period: 1 week

  • Give the supplement a name and a description.

  • Calculated as: Percentage of wage or time

  • Payable daily period: 00:00 - 00:00 (all hours)

  • From hours: 40 (threshold)

  • To hours: 1000 (maximum cap)

  • Salary code: Overtime supplement

  • Amount: Add 50 to supplement the wage with an extra ‘half’. Do not enter 150%, as this would actually give employees 250% of their wage, for the applicable hours.

  • Under Apply supplement to > Days of the week: Select Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

  • Range: Choose the start date for the supplement. Leave the end date blank to apply the supplement indefinitely.

  • Under Apply supplement to > Partially valid range select Include Shifts within the valid date Range.

Specify who should receive this supplement, set a validity period and set additional settings. Read Overview of Payroll supplements for further details.

Show example

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Day-based supplement

Best for applying supplements when employees work more than a set number of hours per day.

Example: Employees receive double pay for hours worked beyond 9 hours in a single day.

  • Supplement type: Day-based supplement

  • Give the supplement a name and a description.

  • Calculated as: Percentage of wage or time

  • Payable daily period: 00:00 - 00:00 (all hours)

  • Hourly wage: 100% increase

  • Payment period: 00:00 - 00:00 (all hours)

  • From hours: 9 (over time threshold in this example)

  • To hours: 24 (maximum)

  • Salary code: Double pay 9hrs

  • Payroll: Add 100 as you want to supplement the pre-existing rate with 100%. Do not enter 200%, as this would give employees 300% of their wage for the applicable hours.

Specify who should receive this supplement, set a validity period and set additional settings. Read Overview of Payroll supplements for further details.

Show example

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Contract rules supplement

Best for automating overtime pay based on employment contract limits.

Contract-based overtime pay

Example: Employees on an Intern 80 Hrs contract receive £15 extra per hour beyond 80 hours per month.

  • Supplement type: Contract rules supplement

  • Contract rule: Intern 80 Hrs

  • Hourly wage: £15 (monetary value)

  • From hours: 80 (threshold)

  • To hours: 100 (maximum cap)

  • Reset frequency: Per contract rule interval

  • Payroll: Add £15

  • Salary code: Contract overtime supplement

Then, you can specify who should receive this supplement, set a validity period and set additional settings. Click on Overview of Payroll supplements for further details.

Show example

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The payroll report would show the contract rule applied when the employee exceeds their 80 scheduled hours threshold. You can see this supplement applied when you export the payroll report from Payroll > Payroll export > Prepare report.

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Reset Frequency Use Case

In the example below, the employee is contracted to work 25 hours per week but is working 37h 30min from Monday to Friday. The employee then works 12h 30 min overtime.

The following Contract rules supplement is created:

reset frequency_new.001.jpeg

The employee will be paid an additional 100% of the normal rate for overtime hours and the supplement will apply after 2 hours (1.)
Reset frequency is set to Per day (2.), therefore the supplement will trigger when the employee has worked more than 25 hours per week and will apply after 2 hours of overtime every day.

The supplement will look like this in the payroll report:

payroll export contract rules supplement reset.001.jpeg

If we use the Reset frequency option Per Contract rule interval, the supplement will trigger when the employee has worked more than 25 hours per week and will apply after 2 hours of overtime, on all hours until the next weekly interval starts.

reset per contract rule interval.001.jpeg

Manual Supplements

These supplements are used when you manually want to add supplements to your employees, such as bonuses or tips. It applies directly to the shift in the schedule. You can set a fixed amount per shift or per hour.

You can create a manual supplement under Settings > Payroll > Payroll supplement > Manual supplement > Create fixed manual supplement or Create manual supplement.

In the example below, a fixed manual supplement is created for the employees to receive tips. They would get a monetary supplement on their shifts that can be added when tips are calculated.

  • Manual Supplement type There are two kinds of manual supplements.

    • The manual supplement — is calculated per hour and the amount can’t be edited when the supplement is added to the shift.

    • The fixed manual supplement — is calculated for the entire shift and you can edit the amount when you add the supplement to the shift.

  • Name and Description: Give this supplement a name and a description

  • Employee groups: Select which Employee groups this supplement should be applied

  • Shift types: Select the Shift types where the supplement can apply. Select Normal.

  • Employee types: Select which Employee types this supplement should be applied for

  • Bank Holiday calendar: If you don’t select any days of the week further down, choose the Bank holiday calendar the supplement should be applied to

  • Payroll: Set the monetary increase of £0 to be added to the shift’s pay. (You can edit this value depending on how many tips have been collected.)

  • Salary code: Set a salary code to easily identify the supplement on the payroll export.

  • Days of the week: Select which days of the week the supplement can be applicable.

  • Valid from/Valid to: Set when the supplement comes into effect or ends.

  • Block normal supplements: Choose whether or not this supplement should block other supplements

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How to apply a manual supplement to a shift in the schedule

You can Edit a shift in the schedule on which you wish to apply a manual supplement.

  1. Go to the Supplements tab.

  2. Click Add manual supplement.

  3. Select a supplement from the list or enter a custom amount if it's variable.

  4. Press Save.

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