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Customise your payroll exports

Set default settings for PDF and Excel payroll reports and customise your Excel or CSV payroll export file by adding or removing data fields

Anton E avatar
Written by Anton E
Updated over 4 months ago

🎯 For admins with full access. See Preparing for payroll.

Set default settings for your pdf and your Excel/CSV payroll exports

You can set the default date for your pay run, assign a salary code to your normal working hours, group your shifts by department or wage in the section below. ⬇️

Under Settings > Payroll > General you can set up default values for the layout of your payroll reports.



  • The Start date you set here is the date that is used for the default start date of the date interval when you run a payroll report.

  • When employees are in the Your hours section on the app, the start date of the period they’re looking at is the date set here under Settings > Payroll > General.

Shift grouping

Note: These options only affect the Excel/CSV payroll exports, not the pdf.

If you would like the shifts to be grouped by department, wage or wage type you can change this here.

  • Group by department: the hours for each department will be displayed on their own separate lines in the file

  • Group by wage: this option allows you to display by employee the hours for each employee group (corresponding to an hourly wage) and supplement on separate lines.

Tip: This is particularly useful if you want an easy overview for the hours corresponding to a payroll supplement for one employee group only.

An example of Excel payroll export with the two options above enabled will look like this: ⬇️


⬆️ In the example above, the employee worked 22.5 hours in one department and 20 hours in another. However, the hours in the other department are broken down: the hours for each employee group “Waiter” and “Admin” are on separate lines and the 2 hours for the supplement is on its own line.

  • Group by wage type: this option will display the hours on separate lines for wage per hour and wage per shift

Counting of hours in payroll report

If both “zero-shifts” in “Counting of hours in the payroll report” and “Zero-shifts in PDF” in “Zero-shifts” are ticked, then the hours that pay 0 are displayed in the breakdown and are counted as working hours in the total of hours in the payroll report (pdf)

If both options are unticked, then the hours that pay 0 don't show in the breakdown and they are not included in the total of working hours.

Note: Zero-shifts in file refer to the Excel/CSV formats.

Salary Codes

If you’re using an integration payroll system, like Xero for example, then the salary code for the hours worked would need to be input here. This is a free text field so pretty much everything can be written here - letters and numbers.
You can also input here a salary code for your monthly salaried employees.
These salary codes will show both on the pdf and on the csv file.

Customise your excel/csv payroll data fields

To customise your Excel/CSV payroll data fields, you can use Payroll prints.

What are Payroll prints?

Payroll Prints can add extra columns of information to the Microsoft Excel payroll export file. This data can either be taken from the Employee profile, or the Schedule.

For example, you may need an employee's email address on your payroll export so your accountant can send out e-payslips. Your payroll export can include this, customised through payroll Prints.

The customisations you add with payroll Prints only apply to the payroll export's Microsoft Excel and CSV format. Payroll prints do not affect PDF, Dynamic, or Integration payroll reports.

How to view your existing Payroll data fields

To see existing Payroll prints, navigate to Settings > Payroll > Prints > CSV/Excel data fields.

Note: You need to have admin privileges to make changes to Prints. If you are an admin and cannot find the Prints tab, contact our support team to have this enabled on your Planday.

Planday EN Screenshots for HC.192.png

Each entry on the list displayed here represents a column on your current payroll report (only for Microsoft Excel format).

The Name of the field is customisable and will show as the column header on the payroll report, while the Standard CSV/Excel data field is the type of data that will be brought into this column.

Through Sort order, you can organise how the columns will appear on the report, on the smallest number first and largest last basis. We recommend adding increments of 10 so that you can easily edit the order in case you need to change it in future.

How to create a new Payroll data field

To create a new entry in the Payroll prints, navigate to Settings > Payroll > Prints > CSV/Excel data fields and press Create. Choose from the Excel data field dropdown list the field you need to create. This will show all the information you can bring into your payroll report.

In this example, an Email address field needs to be added to the payroll export file.

Any Data field marked with a person icon will contain personal data from the employee profile, while the other type will be scheduling data (marked with a board-like icon). This allows you to create a comprehensive payroll report with both employee and schedule data.

​Select the data field you need, give it a name (so you can easily find it later), and type the sort order number (a small number would be displayed before a larger one, in the report).

Press Save and your new field should appear in the Prints list and on your Excel payroll report from the next export.

Here's how an Excel payroll report header looks when exported with additional fields set up, from payroll Prints:

Screenshot 2022-03-31 at 15.44.56.png

How to display the hours for Supplements

If you want to display the hours corresponding to Shift types or Supplements on separate lines, you would need to follow these steps:

  • Option 1: tick the option Group by wage under Settings > Payroll > General > Shift grouping

  • Option 2:

    • assign a salary code to the relevant supplements

    • add the data field Salary code in the Payroll printsNote: You can also assign Salary codes to Shift types if for example you want to distinguish the hours as training, sick, or absence.

How to display the hours by Employee group

Suppose, an employee works in different Employee groups. You’d like the hours for each group to be displayed on separate lines. You have two options:

  • Option 1: tick the option Group by wage under Settings > Payroll > General > Shift grouping

  • Option 2:

    • Assign a Salary code to each of your Employee group by going to People > Employee groups. Learn more about this here.

    • Add the data field Salary code in the Payroll prints.

    • You can add the data field Employee group name in the Payroll prints to identify the groups or job roles better

      An example of Excel file with the hours per Employee group and the hours per Supplement will look like this:

    Screenshot 2023-03-10 at 08.47.12.png

How to display the hours for holiday requests

If you want the name of the holiday account to show in the Excel/CSV file, you need to follow these steps:

  • apply a salary code to the holiday account. To do this, go to Settings > Leave & Overtime > Account templates > edit the relevant holiday account and add a salary code under the Payroll section.

  • then, make sure that the data field Salary code is added to the Payroll Prints under Settings > Payroll > Prints > CSV/Excel data fields > Create > Salary code. (1.)

  • If you want the name of the holiday account to show, add the field Department name to the data fields in the Payroll Prints. (2.)

Ignore salary codes in Excel or CSV exports

Sometimes, you need to apply a holiday shift type on top of the holiday booked if you're in at least one of the following situations:

  • You want the holiday hours to count towards the contracted hours

  • You're using the Xero integration and you're transferring the holiday date ranges to your Xero organisation. You can find more information about this in Map your Planday leave shift types to your Xero Leave types.

  • You would like to apply a holiday cost to your payroll costs in the schedule.

If you're using the shift type on top of the holiday request, the holiday will show twice in the payroll report, once for the shift type and another time for the holiday request. To avoid this, you should do the following:

  • Apply a salary code to the holiday shift type

  • Go to Settings > Payroll > Prints > Ignore salary codes and insert the shift type's salary code that you'd like to ignore.

Note:This would only work for the csv and Excel formats of the payroll report.


Follow this payroll checklist to see what to prepare before creating a payroll report.

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