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All CollectionsProduct updates2024
Winter 24/25 Product updates
Winter 24/25 Product updates
Written by Andrea Giardina
Updated over a month ago

At Planday it’s our mission to make shift work more human. One way we’re doing that is by constantly improving your Planday experience.

Here are the latest product updates that will help you get the most out of your Planday workspace.

Web updates:

Employee turnover rate

Turn the tables on staff turnover.

Feel like you might be turning over team members faster than you are customers...? You're not the only one.

Shift-based businesses often have high staff turnover rates. In the UK hospitality industry, nearly 37% of team members leave their job each year. And this can lead to high hiring costs, and disruption to the service and operations.

To help you get the full picture of your turnover rates, you can now track them directly in Planday. This'll help you spot patterns and start to turn the tables on staff turnover.

Make more informed decisions on your employee experience to retain your employees and reduce your costs connected to hiring and training.

Create and invite new employees straight from the schedule

Working on a new schedule and remembered you have a new starter to count in?

Now you can create new employees and employee groups straight from the schedule so that you can carry on with scheduling and complete the employee profile setup later.

Working time conflict warnings (available in Plus and Pro)

These notifications make it easier to choose the right person for the shift by knowing immediately if there’s any conflicts with their working time rules and contracted hours.

Planday will warn you when you try assigning shifts to employees who have conflicts with their contracted hours or working time rules. The warnings will appear as a colour-coded status (which you can click on to see specific rules) next to each employee's name.

Draft shifts

Simplify planning by saving shifts as drafts and publish schedules when you’re ready.

Just like saving email drafts, you can create multiple work-in-progress Draft shifts on the schedule.

Press Publish shifts to finalise the schedule and notify your employees about upcoming shifts in one click.

Custom Revenue Charts

(Update: Now available on Plus, Pro and Enterprise plans!)

Create the exact reports you need with Planday’s new Custom charts.

Custom charts make it easier than ever to track and analyse financial performance for the entire business in a couple of clicks.

Combine datasets like Revenue, Revenue Forecast, Payroll Costs and Payroll Targets into bar or line charts. Create the reports that matter the most for you from your Planday workspace by selecting relevant time periods and departments.

To create Custom charts, go to Reports > Revenue and click Graph view. Then click on the Custom charts tab.

Prorated absence balances (Plus/Pro/Enterprise plans)

Planday can now automatically pre-calculate the opening balances for new employees assigned to fixed leave accounts —helping you stay compliant and freeing up time for what really matters.

Here are a few ways Planday can help you calculate the opening balances for new hires:

  • Opt-in to get the opening balance automatically calculated by Planday when you assign a fixed leave account to your new hires

  • If you prefer to manage each employee one by one, you can use the suggested balance option on individual leave accounts

  • Choose whether your fixed leave accounts are calculated in days or hours

UK leave policy (UK Plus/Pro/Enterprise plans)

You can now calculate holiday entitlement for irregular or part-year workers using an updated calculation method, in light of the 2024 holiday pay and entitlement reform.

Visit to learn more about the change in calculation methods and how this impacts your business and watch this short video to learn how to set up the new methods in Planday.

Feriefridage (Plus/Pro/Enterprise plans) (Denmark only)

You can now set up 'Feriefridage' accounts, which will grant extra vacation days to their employees automatically based on their length of time employed with the business.

Vi er glade for at introducere en ny funktion i Planday, der gør det muligt automatisk at tildele Feriefridage baseret på medarbejdernes anciennitet – helt i tråd med danske regler og overenskomster.

Den automatiske tildeling af Feriefridage hjælper dig med at sikre overholdelse af lovgivningen, samtidig med at du giver dine medarbejdere de korrekte feriedage på det rigtige tidspunkt. Og som en ekstra bonus reducerer det den administrative arbejdsbyrde.


This new feature streamlines the process of viewing, approving and managing all worked hours, shift details and paid hours directly within the web and mobile apps. What are Timesheets? (video)

General interface improvements

To make navigation more intuitive, tasks smoother and give you a cleaner, faster experience we’ve tweaked the user interface across the platform.

App updates:

Make sure to use the latest versions available for Android or iOS, updating to newer versions as they are released.
Download Planday app for Android
Download Planday app for iPhone

Open shift notifications

Let your staff know about Open Shifts via automatic push notifications in the Planday app.

Once you create an Open shift, all relevant employees (based on their role, department, availability, etc) will get a notification. So you don’t need to message them every time and employees don’t have to keep checking the app for updates.

To make sure your staff receive Open Shift notifications, just remind them to update the Planday app to the latest version.

App: Holiday overview for employees (available in the UK)

So that your team members have a better understanding and more control over their time off allowance, they can now check their holiday and leave balance in the mobile app.

The balance is available for any type of absence / leave account. However currently it isn’t available for TOIL accounts.

The balance is available in the Planday mobile app in the menu More > Time off by selecting individual leave accounts.

See related articles:

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