Setup and activate BrightPay
Follow the steps below to easily import the payslips from BrightPay, so your employees can access them in Planday. Log into Planday and go to Settings > Integrations > Overview. Find BrightPay and press Activate.
Import BrightPay payslips into Planday
Download the PDF file with payslips to your desktop from BrightPay. We recommend you open the file to verify it is the correct data before importing it into Planday.
Log in to Planday and go to Payroll > Import payslips.
Choose start and end date: enter the same dates as the payslip.
Existing payslips: If you have already imported payslips to a given period, you can import additional payslips to that period. You can also overwrite existing payslips to update them with new data.
Choose Payslip as the type.
Choose the format BrightPay
Upload the payslips file and select import. The payslips will then be available to employees from their Planday account via the web and the Planday app.
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