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How to approve or decline leave requests from employees
How to approve or decline leave requests from employees

Follow up on leave requests sent from your employees and take action by accepting or rejecting the request.

Saad Saeed avatar
Written by Saad Saeed
Updated over 8 months ago

🎯 For Planday admins and HR admins.
If you'd like to set up notifications for leave requests that go to the supervisor of an individual employee rather than to all managers in a department, go to How to use the supervisor feature.

Planday offers the possibility of keeping track of your employees' holidays. It is possible for the employee to request vacation for a specific day or period. As a manager, you will receive a notification about the request and can take action immediately in the form of approving or rejecting the request.

Overview of leave requests

To see an overview of leave requests go to Schedule > Absence requests (or Leave requests if your language is set to English UK).

Here you will find a list of all the requests that are in Pending status by default. Click on the name or edit icon to open the details of a request. screenshot.002.png

Filter leave requests

Gain a better overview of leaves by filtering for specifics. This is useful if you have many employee requests and you want to narrow your scope of overview.

  • Search - You can search for an employee’s first or last name to get to their request quickly. (no middle names)

  • Period - Set the request period if you need to limit future requests or see past requests.

  • Status - Filter requests by status. You can change the status to see all the requests or only approved, denied, or pending requests.

  • Filters - Apply filters to see an enhanced selection of requests sorted by departments, employee groups, employee types, individual selection of employees, by the supervisor, and by account names under which leaves have been requested. screenshot.003.png

Approve or Deny a leave request


  • You can’t book leave from an expired account as this account has become inactive. So make sure you process all leave requests before the accounts expire.

  • Make sure you approve all shifts that count towards accrual and you approve all requests before the accounts expires, otherwise if you're using carry-over accounts, they would be created with the wrong balance.

To approve or deny a leave request, click on the of the request to see its properties. From here you can Approve or Deny the leave request.

  • Created: Date and time when the request was created.

  • Status: Pending, approved, or denied.

  • Name: Name of the employee.

  • Period: Requested period and estimated deduction.

  • Total account impact: Influence the approval of the request is expected to make on the leave balance.

  • Note from the employee: Any comment that the employee has left. Blank if no note is found.

  • Account: Shows which leave account will be used to dispense leave from.

  • Current Balance: The balance of this account as of today.

  • Deduction: The impact this request will have on the employee's account.

  • Expected available balance: This shows what will be the balance on the date after this leave. Press See details to open a breakdown of this calculation.

  • Edit a day’s impact: It's possible for the manager to edit the days that shall have a vacation cost and the cost of each day. The edit in the vacation request will update the about values for ‘Deduction’, ‘expected remaining balance’, and ‘impact’. It is also possible to add a decimal value of 0.5 to count for a half day off.

  • Overlapping shifts: The request overlaps with X assigned shifts.

    • If there are no overlapping shifts, there are no more details shown.

    • If 1 or more scheduled shifts overlap with the requested leave period, you can choose what will happen to these shifts.

      • Delete shift(s): The scheduled shifts for this employee in the requested period will be deleted.

      • Keep and change Shift type: The default Shift type from the leave policy will be preselected in this dropdown but you can select another one manually before approving.

  • Cover shifts in Schedule: Options to create extra shifts to automatically cover your schedule for the requested period.

    • Do not create cover shifts: No extra shifts will be created.

    • Copy Shifts and set as Open (for relevant groups/positions): It will be created a copy of the existing shift in the schedule, with the same employee group/position, but set as an Open shift.

  • Option to Deny or Approve the request.

History of leave requests

You can see the history of any actions taken on this request such as who requested it and which administrator/manager approved or denied the request including any message they have left. You also have the option to deny the approved vacation which will record this as an action in the History tab.

Planday EN Screenshots for HC.169.png

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