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Generate reports in Planday
Generate reports in Planday

In this article, you will find an overview of the different types of reports and how you can generate them in Planday.

Saad Saeed avatar
Written by Saad Saeed
Updated over 7 months ago

🎯 For admins and managers. Learn how to set up Planday here.

What are reports?

In many situations, having an overview of your organisation's data is helpful in Planday and as an export file. You can create a report to view information at a glance or download it as a file for your other business processes.

For example, you can create a payroll data export to prepare for a pay run, get an overview of a specific employee's shifts or generate an absence report. You can often apply filters to display results for a particular set of employees or departments to get the necessary information.

See what report options are available in Planday and where to find them. To read more about each report, click on the links in each section for a step-by-step guide on generating that report.

Schedule reports

Schedule statistics and shifts overview

  • From the main menu of Planday, go to Reports > Schedule statistic reports. Here you can retrieve information on how many hours or shifts your employees have worked in a specific period.
    Read more in the article Schedule statistic reports.

  • Inside Schedule > Tools > Shifts overview, you will find another option to get an overview of your employees' worked hours.

  • In the Employees view on the Schedule page, you can see a summary of the individual employee's shifts if you move the pointer over an employee's name and click Shift overview icon. This will open a new window where you can see all the shifts assigned to the employee, sorted by department, in a specific period.

Timesheets report

Download a report to compare your employees' scheduled time with their punched time and to see which hours have been approved or unapproved.

Go to Reports > Timesheet report.

Read more in the article How to create a timesheets report.

Shift type statistics

If you use Shift types to label your shifts on the schedule, you can see how often these labels have been used. This can help you track sickness, trial shifts, punctuality or other categories. Go to Reports > Shift type statistics to view this report.

Read more in the article Using Shift types for reporting and payroll.

Additional schedule export options

While working on the schedule, you have some additional reports close at hand.

  • You can download the current view of the Schedule page as a PDF or CSV file from Schedule > Tools > Export this view.

    • Switch the schedule view to Groups or Positions view and select between Day, 2 Weeks, or a Month to download more periods.

    • The PDF file is suitable to print a physical copy of your rota to display.

    • The CSV file is handy to export a more detailed overview of shifts on the schedule.

Note: In the CSV file, you can see Punch Clock comments when shifts are approved, as well as any administrative notes (only visible to admins and schedule managers).

  • You can download a Working time rule report under Schedule > Tools > Working time rule report (Excel format) and this will allow you as a manager to export a record of working time rule infractions. Read about Working time rules in How to set up Working time rules.

  • With Contract rules, you can set how many hours an employee should work in a certain period. You can then see an overview or download a report if there are deviations from these contracted hours vs scheduled hours. From the main menu, go to Schedule > Contracted hours.
    Read more in the article How to use Contracted hours for Schedule overview.

  • You can view and export an overview of the Punch Clock entries from the Schedule > Punch Clock page. Switch to Approved, overview per week or overview per day and press the printer icon on the left side, allowing you to export a PDF or Excel file.
    Read more in the article How to approve Punch Clock entries.

  • To see who changed what and when on the schedule, go to Schedule > (switch to a specific department’s schedule if you have many) Tools > Schedule history. From here, you can see a summary of all changes made to the schedule, such as shift edits, approvals, and deletions.
    Read more in the article How to see Schedule history and edits.

Employee reports

Employee data

Regardless of whether you need a report on your employee's personal information or changes in a specific period, you can do so under the menu Employees > Tools > Export data.

Use the Employee details or Employee changes templates and customise them to your needs - Alternatively, you can create a custom report.
Find more information in the article Exporting employee information.

Documents and contracts

  • You can get a quick overview of the documents uploaded to the employees' profiles by going to People > Employees > Tools > Document overview. Depending on which document type you choose, the report will also include the date on which the document expires if this is specified.
    Note that this export requires you to create a document type and select the same type when you upload a file to the employee.

  • You can also see contracts or signed documents by visiting People > Contracts. Select from Awaiting action or Signed contracts section and press Download contract to view a document. You can also switch to the Overview section to see status-specific contracts such as Signed, No contracts (If no contract is attached to an employee) or Expired.

Payroll reports

Payroll data export

Under the menu Payroll > Payroll data export, you can download a report on hours worked, hourly rates, fixed salaries and salary supplements.

You can export the information as a PDF, .CSV or Excel file. In addition to these file formats, you can export a file to later upload to your payroll integration if you have one enabled in your Planday.

Read more in the article How to make a report using Payroll export.

To ensure you have everything ready before the payroll run, use this checklist to prepare for a payrun.

Custom payroll report

The Excel and CSV file formats, available under Payroll data export, can be customised by going to Settings > Payroll > Prints.

Read more about this customised report in the article Customise your payroll data fields.

Leave & overtime reports

Go to Schedule > Leave Requests > Export > Leave report to download a summary of leave requests.

You'll then be able to choose the date range you want to look at, the type of accounts, the status of the requests and the departments you want the report for.

If you want to see an overview of your Absence accounts, you can do this under Schedule > Leave accounts > Export. This report also shows your overtime accounts.

To download an overview of all recorded overtime, go to Schedule > Leave Requests > Export > Time off in lieu report.

Read more about leave and overtime reports here:

See related articles:

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