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Home Dashboard explained

Get an overview of the front page of Planday and set it up to show the information that matters to you the most!

Saad Saeed avatar
Written by Saad Saeed
Updated over 5 months ago

🌐 Subscription plan: All. Some options may not be available in the Starter plan.

⏱️ Reading time: 6 min.

ℹ️ Important read: Are you an employee? Se Introduction to Planday web for employees

What is the dashboard?

The dashboard is the first page you or your employees see when they open Planday on a web browser. It displays important performance numbers about your work and shows actionable items so you can respond to the most critical tasks first.

Planday menu

The menu bar provides access to most areas of Planday. Depending on your subscription and access level, some options and widgets may not appear. For example, regular employees won't see the payroll section, reports, or account area, and Schedule managers cannot see account or subscription-related pages, but the Admin has access to all areas.

Features that are only available on the Pro or Enterprise package will only appear after you upgrade.

Click on the following areas to learn more about the features:


Clicking Home or the Planday logo next to it will take you back to your dashboard. In the dropdown list under Home you will also find:

  • Your schedule β€” View shifts assigned to you and available shifts.

  • Your availability β€” Set days you are available or unavailable to work.

  • Your leave overview β€” Check your time off balance, request leave, and track the status of pending requests. (Not available in the Starter plan.)

  • Payslips β€” Download payslips if enabled and uploaded by your employer. (Not available in the Starter plan.)

  • News and Events β€” Manage news and events for employees. (Admin only.)


  • Schedule β€” Displays the work rota by department or employee. Admins and managers can modify the schedule; employees can only view shifts.

  • Pending requests β€” Approve or deny shift swaps and open shift requests. (Admins/Schedule managers only.)

  • Punch Clock β€” Manage and approve Punch Clock entries. (Admins/Schedule managers only.)

  • Availability β€” Here you can set and administer the availability or unavailability of employees as a manager. (Admin only.)

  • Leave requests β€” Approve or deny employee leave requests. (Admins/Schedule managers only.) (Not available in the Starter plan.)

  • Contracted hours β€” Compare planned hours to standard hours and transfer extra to time-off accounts. (Admins/Schedule managers only.) (Not available in the Starter plan.)

πŸ’¬ Note: If you have the Plus plan or above and don't see this feature, log in and contact the Planday support team to have it activated.

  • Leave accounts (or Absence accounts) β€” Manage leave accounts or apply leave policies to your employees so they can request off time within Planday. (Admins/Schedule managers only.) (Not available in the Starter plan.)


  • Employees β€” Lists all employees and their details. Admins can add or edit employees. Employees can message their colleagues from here.

  • Employee groups β€” Organise staff by roles, set group wages, and assign salary codes for integrations. (Admin only.)

  • Departments β€” Manage schedules by department or location. (Admin only.)

  • Contracts β€” Create and send employment contracts for your employees. (Admin/HR manager only.) (Not available in the Starter plan.)

  • Documents β€” Upload relevant documents such as training materials, company manuals or other files for your employees in this area. (Admin/HR manager only.) (Not available in the Starter plan.)

Reports (Admin only)

  • Schedule statistics β€” Generate reports on shifts and hours worked.

  • Shift type statistics β€” ​If you use Shift types, you can view statistics on the shifts in use on the schedule. (Not available in the Starter plan.)

  • Revenue β€” Compare payroll costs with daily, weekly, or monthly revenue. (Not available in the Starter plan.)

  • Data Center β€” The Data Center allows you to create data sets and formulas to improve scheduling and forecasting. It helps schedule managers make more informed decisions. (Only available on Pro and Enterprise plan).

  • Timesheet reports β€” If you have the Timesheets functionality enabled, you can generate a PDF or a detailed CSV report of worked hours.

Timesheets (Admin only)

🟑 This feature is currently limited to select Planday organisations or regions, with full availability gradually extending to all.

Payroll (Admin only)

  • Payroll export β€” Generate payroll reports as a CSV, Excel file, or PDF. If you integrate with a third party service, you can export their file format from here.

  • Lock date range for payroll β€” Prevent changes to approved work hours by locking a payroll period.

  • Import payslips β€” Import payslips into Planday from your payroll providers so your employees can download them via the app. (Not available in the Starter plan.)

  • Payslips β€” Manage payslips you have sent to employees. (Not available in the Starter plan.)

  • Xero Payroll β€” Only available if you integrate Planday with Xero.

Settings (Admin only)

  • Settings β€” Customise Planday's functions, such as scheduling rules, Punch Clock setup, and integrations.

Help (Admin only)

  • Help Centre β€” This links to our extensive self-help articles written to help you get the most value out of Planday. Help Centre articles are available in English, Danish, German, Swedish, and Norwegian.

  • Video Tutorials β€” Watch video tutorials and walkthrough of different Planday functions. You will be redirected to our video collection.

  • See what’s new β€” Read about product updates and new features, past releases or planned changes to Planday.

  • Show/Hide Help Chat β€” You can disable or enable the floating help widget anytime by pressing this button.

  • Status β€” If you encounter technical issues or difficulty loading Planday, you can see the status of Planday’s various services.


  • Messaging β€” Send messages between employees and managers.


  • Edit β€” Update your profile, change your password or update your personal language settings.

  • Account β€” Manage your Planday subscription plan, upgrade payment information and download past invoices here. (Admins only/Account Admin only.)

  • Log out β€” Sign out of your Planday account.

Edit the dashboard

Click Edit dashboard to change your front page to display essential KPIs and information using widgets. You can also turn off widgets that are not relevant to you.

Click on the following areas to learn more about the features:

Discover tab

If you're a new Planday Admin, the Discover page helps you complete key setup steps and explore important features. Some settings may have already been configured during onboarding or training.

Account widget

Manage your account details and subscription. Press Go to your account for an overview, including past invoices or to upgrade your plan.

Pending actions widget

This widget shows items that need your approval.

  • Swap requests: Act on shift swaps between employees.

  • Shifts requested: Manage employees' open shift requests.

  • Punch Clock entries: Review and approve completed shifts.

  • Absence/Leave requests: Approve or reject time-off requests.

Clicking on any category takes you directly to the request page.

News widget

Share updates with your team through the news feed. Click Go to news to edit or create posts for specific departments or employee groups.

Events widget

Create and manage work meetings or social events. Click Go to events to view and create events, setting date, time, and attendance limits by department or employee group. If you enable attendance tracking, employees can RSVP to events.

Birthdays widget

See upcoming birthdays within the next week for employees in the same department. The widget gets this information from your staff’s Birthday field.

Salary percentage widget

View and compare salary percentages across departments based on the ratio of revenue to wages. Under Configure, choose the department and compare the data to a budget or another department. Read more.


Revenue widget

This widget shows revenue data if you have it configured. You can set it up in Reports > Revenue or automate revenue data import through a POS integration under Settings > Integrations. In Configure, select which department's revenue to display and compare with another department to see their performance.


Late to punch in

This widget, previously known as the Daily Attendance widget, shows if employees are on time or punched in late for their shifts. You can view late and missing clock-ins by department, along with the scheduled shifts.

See related articles:

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Get to know the Home Dashboard, edit dashboard

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